Tuesday 23 February 2016


Device: a thing made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electrical invention

Glisten: to reflect a sparkling light or a faint, flickering glow, as a wet surface; shine

Graze: to touch or rub lightly in passing

Greedy: excessively or overly desiring wealth, possessions, etc

Skip: to move in a light, springy manner by hopping forward on first one foot then the other

Dumb: lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid

Tought: hard to break

Tender: soft or delicate in substance

Regret: wish you had not done

Toll: a fee demanded by an authority for some right or privilege, as for driving along a road

Wrinkle: a small crease in the skin, as from aging

Crew: a nail-like metal fastener, having a thin end with a spiral groove and a head with a slot

Slip: to slide suddenly and accidentally, esp. so as to fall or go lower

Wasp: a slender winged insect with a narrow abdomen and a powerful Sting

Sneeze: to produce air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and loudly through the nose and mouth by involuntary action

Thick: heavy; not easily poured

Monday 14 December 2015


Attorney: lawyer.
Criminal: of the nature of or involving crime.
Crime: an action considered harmful to the public good and legally prohibited.
Murder: the unlawful killing of a person.
Steal: to take the property of another without permission or right (steal from).
Rob: to take something by unlawful force.
Pickpocket: one who steal from pockets of people, as in a crowed public place.
Purse: a woman’s handbag or pocketbook.
Mugger: a person who mugs.
Thief: one who steals.
Burglary: one who commits burglary.
Hooligans: a ruffian or hoodlum.
Hijacker: a person who seize a vehicle by threat or by force.
Kidnap: to carry off a person by force or trickery.
Hose: a flexible tube for carrying a liquid such as water; to desired a point.
Passer-by: a person passing by.
Crew: a group of people working together.
Rop: a strong, thick or cord, made of twisted strands of hemp.
Bullet: a small piece of metal fired from a gun.
Flat: horizontally level.

Thursday 10 December 2015